
Sunday 15 April 2012

yesterday i  went  to
chirk castle I got to
try on some aurmer
I went in the dungeons
my mum got scared
about going down the
stairs then we went
to the stocks I got
stuck in one of them.
Today I went to the mere
to watch football my
grandad had shots at
me later on I went on
my scooter.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

today Iwent to park hall
Iwent on a bouncy castle
I went on a tractor
that went around the
place,I went on
the soft play area
and fell down the
steps and I went to lamb feeding.

Monday 9 April 2012

sorry ive been away im
back now last week i
went to my grandmas
we went to London
we went to the olympic
stadiam my grandad
did a run and fineshed
on the olympic line.
The next day we went
to Pudding lane ,the
tower of london,
london eye,bigben,
abbey and buckingham